Levels 1-2
The planet Budpock is a forgotten backwater full of scum looking for a place to get lost. Having taken a sector transport shuttle down to the planet the players expected to have a quiet weekend exploring a mostly untamed world. Only hours after the player characters arrive at Demmit Station, the starport collapses under security lockdown while criminal riots raze the complex as martial law is abolished without prior arrangements. This is the kind of thing that happens when the Empire decides to pull back a planetary garrison force to a consolidated position in a underpopulated sector. Seeking a haven away from the urban scythe the heroes decide to travel as far away as they can and find a way to survive a secluded, lawless outpost.
Bladecapse outpost
Cramped into a dusty planetside gorge 2,000 km from nowhere, the seedy outpost Bladescape serves as a dive for half an unchartered hemisphere of villainy leeching off poor working settlers in the hills. Ever seeking latent hostility inherent in the pathologically criminal mind the Bounty Hunters Guild offers a prime selection of petty warrants on tap at the Bladescape Claims Office.
Bladescape Claims Office
Challenge Level 3
A sign outside the otherwise unmarked office reads:
“Money's the same
Quality's the same
Experience the same”

A male Ryn and retired lawman, Claims Officer Taber Boscage keeps the office busy settling disputes for a standard fee and serves as retainer for Bounty Hunter's Guild warrants.
The weapons shop next door can provide cheap seeker droid (p.156 Threats of the Galaxy) rental (500c), repair and upgrades to the player's equipment. Players can rent a simple unarmedrepulsorlift transport at the garage next to the cantina across the thoroughfare (100c).
Due to the lower threat index served by this outpost, Bladescape could be considered a vacation stop for those willing to try their hand at sentient repossession because all targets must be delivered ALIVE. Any claimsrunners will report to the Claims Officer before they are given their target's biosignature to insure the party's weapons are locked on stun. Of course if they kill a target whether by fault or neglect, the claims office has the authority to process a warrant under operational writ of guild charter and hunt the party down.
Bladescape Claims Office Gallery
Unclaimed warrants available to be served individually at the claimsrunner's desecration:
Norkoval Shist
Bong Bukwesk
Vok Neeks
Rayber Farks
After five days and successful completion of five short missions player characters are each awarded the coveted “Bladecap” camouflage hat with a colorful design on the front which proudly reads “I Survived the Blade Run.” The party is thanked by Officer Boscage and invited to seek any more jobs around the outpost as long as they wear the cap and represent. When worn the "Bladecap" grants a +2 bonus to Charisma rolls.
These vendors will have jobs available once players fulfill prerequisites listed in their respective descriptions.
Bladescape junkyard

Once per day at level 2 players may initiate salvage from the Bladescape junkyard located in the thoroughfare. The GM rolls a d6 to determine how many Search rolls the party may take that day. With a successful DC10 Search check a player will find a discarded object worth 1d6x100 credits when sold to the the junk shop. Beginning with level 3 players suffer a -2 penalty and at level 4 a -4 penalty, to the GM's d6 roll for how many Searches are allowed per day. After level 4 players may not attempt salvage.
El Swerg's Bladescape cantina
Challenge Level 4
Booz the chef at Bladescape cantina whom the PCs met when they brought him the creature they killed, would like your party to hunt down more reptavians.
Bladescape General
Challenge Level 4
Vanor Minse owner of the Bladescape junk shop would like someone to determine who broke into and stole equipment from his shed in the middle of the thoroughfare.
Rebel Agent
Challenge Level 4
Larea Doron is an attractive human Rebel agent who secludes herself at the Bladescape outpost after she lost her crew and her ship impounded by Imperial authorities. She just might be the heroes only chance of dusting this rock alive.
Horkan Bunker
Challenge Level 4
Assault the Horkan bunker and find the fate of the lost Rebel pilot.