Booz the Chef: Reptavians for Dinner
Challenge Level 4
500 XP
2,000 credits
Mission Briefing: Booz the chef at Bladescape cantina would like your party to hunt down 15 reptavians. A popular hunter's blind has been established 4km outside Bladescape on the map highlighted in yellow.

Equipment: Players must purchase a decoy at the junk dealer's shop (200c). The decoy may be activated with a Mechanics or Use Computer check DC10. Once activated the decoy will attract 1d4 reptavians per round which will appear over the decoy's position.
Hazard: With a DC 10 Stealth check players can obtain cover within the hunter's blind and keep them invisible to reptavians until a player fires at one, then the party will become visible to that target which will proceed to attack.
Encounter: The decoy must be placed in the middle of a large pond (position indicated on the map in blue) where reptavians frequent diving for fish with a DC10 Swim check. Once a reptavian becomes aware of the PCs it will use Running Attack (p.88 Saga Edition Core Rulebook) and end its movement as far away from the hunter's blind as possible.
Resolution: Bring 15 reptavians back to Booz.