Saturday, October 17, 2009

Bladescape Claims Office Gallery: Bong Bukwesk

Bong Bukwesk CL 3 (use Soldier p.90 Threats of the Galaxy)
Species: Human Male
Wanted For: Criminal Exploration
200 XP
2,000 credits

Mission Briefing: Bong Bukwesk is initially located 5 km away from Bladescape.

Hazard: When the party arrives at the indicated location their target is nowhere to be found. With a Use Computer check DC 10 they can query the seeker droid for a new bioscan. Bong Bukwesk is located 14 km in another direction.

Encounter: Bong Bukwesk is found cowering behind a tree starved and nearly psychotic but may be convinced to be captured quietly with a successful Intimidation check DC 10.

Resolution: Haul his carcass back to the Claims Office. Pay to use a new seeker droid at the weapons shop.