Species: Weequay Male
Wanted For: Illegal salvage
200 XP
2,000 credits
Mission Briefing: Vok Neeks is located 51 km away from Bladescape.
Hazard: A flying reptile (use Corellian Banshee Bird p.106 Threats of the Galaxy) with leathery wings begins to hover 10 meters above the party. If a PC tries to shoot it down before they have located their target it will disappear.

Encounter: Vok Neeks is seen suddenly leaping out of the underbrush and running across an open field. They flying predator the party has seen earlier begins to attack him, knocking him down forcing the party to slay the beast and capture their target before he can escape.
Resolution: Knock out Veeks and haul his carcass back to the Claims Office. The cantina chef will buy the fresh flying reptile kill for 250c.