Saturday, October 17, 2009

Raid: Car'das Enclave Section 5

Section 5: Eliminate Captain Saiger
Players begin Section 5 in either elevator they took from Section 4 indicted by the yellow highlighted area.

Hazard: Use the Yavin Temple map ignoring all labels except Control Room and Hanger. Two raised platforms in the middle of the room have ladders highlighted in purple allowing characters to climb above cargo containers stacked on the deck. Areas shaded in green provide cover. Doors will open normally and close when no characters stand in an adjacent square.

Encounter: Player characters will explore the docking area eliminating Car'das Smugglers (use Mercenary p.55 Threats of the Galaxy ) until they find the Control Room Encounter which will not trigger until all NPCs are disposed of. Four Car'das Smugglers are in elevated position on the platform and will fire on PCs in their line of sight. Other Smugglers marked in red will attack any time when they see the player characters but not move from their position.

Control Room Encounter: Captain Saiger's (use Pirate p.66 Threats of the Galaxy) position inside the Control Room is marked in white. He will throw grenades and fire upon any PC's in his line of sight but not leave improved cover.

Resolution: Use Captain Saiger's command override codes found on his body Search check DC 10 to activate the hanger operations protocol. Contact the Horizon using the long range communications system Use Computer DC 10.