Section 4 will begin in the yellow highlighted area. The Job Boss (use Engineer p.38 Threats of the Galaxy) indicated with red/green locks the cargo lift from the console and orders the Car'das Smuggler (use Mercenary p.55 Threats of the Galaxy ) taking cover behind containers to attack.
Hazard: Areas shaded in green provide cover. Areas shaded black around the turbo lifts are blocking terrain.

Encounter: The cargo lift is disabled and both the doors are locked. Car'das Smugglers have taken position around the turbolift and behind the closest door. With the security card obtained in level 3 and a Use Computer check DC 10 players can open either door but not both at the same time. When PC's step through the door on their right players may avoid a surprise round with a Perception check DC15. If the players chose to open the left door they immediately defend against the surprise round with two Car'das Smugglers able to fire within their line of sight. The pairs of Car'das Smugglers on either side of the turbolift gain line of sight and may throw two grenades (one from each attacker) if they gain their surprise round.
Resolution: Two Job Bosses at the end of the room must also be eliminated before players can advance to Section 5. Use the security card to activate either turbolift.