Players begin Section 3 in the starting area indicted in yellow. The platform they stand on is intended to be an air vent as a gust of wind presses downward. The damaged section of the metal platform descends into the dark cavern and may be safely transversed with a Jump or Climb check DC 10.
Hazard: Areas shaded in gray are impassable blocking terrain. Areas shaded green provide cover.

Encounter: The door may be operated normally without a skill check and once opened the NPCs in the repair bay are aware of the party's presence. A Job Boss (use Engineer p.38 Threats of the Galaxy) indicated in green/red stands at the cargo lift control console initiated a silent security alert which locks down the lift controls and freezes the door open. He orders his four-man work crew of Car'das Smugglers (use Mercenary p.55 Threats of the Galaxy ) to attack the party. The NPC's will immediately attack in the first round then run for cover if the player characters are fighting back.
Resolution: With a Search check DC 10 on the body of the Job Boss players find the Car'das lockdown key card which will allow them to use raise the cargo lift to Section 4 with a Use Computer check DC 10.