PC's exit the small lift one at a time in the area indicted in yellow. Exploring the cavern further reveals a gaseous, volatile region of the mine. The cavern drops off steeply under a light durasteel walkway suspended from the ceiling by large rusty bolts and cables driven into the porous rock above.

Hazard: When the players have reached the middle of the walkway the cavern begins to shake and volatile gases spew from fissures somewhere below. With a Survival or Climb check DC 10 players may hold on and escape instant death as an explosion tears through the suspended walkway. Flames engulf the cavern and the players can see the other end of the walkway still bolted in place and capable of supporting their escape. Using any climbing equipment the players may swing to the other side with a successful Jump, Survival, or Acrobatics check DC 10.
Once on the other side players are safely back on sold ground in the cavern. Slipping into the now comforting darkness the party finds another walkway ripped from its supports and only darkness below. Players may choose in this area to take 20 with climbing equipment and make it safely across. Because of the length of this raid the GM may ask the players to rest here and regain their hit points.
Resolution: On the other side the cavern ends in a heavy-mined blasted out trench descending deep into the asteroid. A heavily fortified duracrete walkway extends across the chasm and the party discovers an automatic door on the other side which can be opened with a Mechanics check DC 10. The players step into the lower levels of the Car'das enclave.