Saturday, October 17, 2009

Raid: Car'das Enclave

Liberation of Meridian Sector
Car'das Enclave
Challenge Level 5

2,000 XP
10,000 credits

Mission Briefing: Through means unclear the Car'das smuggling operation has acquired an asteroid mining facility recently abandoned after a series of accidents inside the mine set off a devastating firestorm enveloping the richest crops of fuel crystals and destroying them in the inferno. The fires now lay dormant among the spiraling caverns drilled deep into the asteroid until a fresh air supply may cause a volcanic upheaval.

The Car'das organization has closed off the most volatile areas of the mine and fortified the inhabitable areas to suit their defensive and administrative needs. Employing independent mining companies to refine a small stabilized section of the asteroid the Car'das have established a refueling station for their affiliated free traders.

The Car'das forces are the haggled mercenary crew contracted to the human smuggler captain Larzo Saiger. Saiger commands Car'das Smugglers and unnamed Job Bosses.

Objective: Infiltrate the Care'das enclave by docking your ship in an unused hanger at the rear of the facility and navigate the mining caverns to locate the Car'das base. Eliminate the Car'das Captain Saiger and his crew then await the arrival of Alliance frigate Horizon to begin operations to secure the sector and take over the asteroid base.

1.Access the caverns from the Abandoned Hanger
2.Locate the door to the Car'das Enclave
3.Eliminate Car'das Smugglers
4.Eliminate Job Bosses
5.Eliminate Captain Saiger

Equipment: Players should bring all the mining, climbing and survival equipment they can carry.

Resolution: When the Alliance frigate Horizon arrives the Rebellion will control prime assets in a small sector with a now free and grateful population ready to arm and defend their respective homeworlds.