The player characters descend from their ship's exit ramp and step into the entry point indicated in yellow. The dingy unmaintained hanger includes damaged repair droid and empty containers. Heavy automatic doors in the center of the bulkhead are flanked by two hallways.

Hallway #1 leads to a turbolift door which can be opened with a Mechanics check DC 10. The door will open to reveal a flapping, shrieking Mynock (p. 119 Threats of the Galaxy). The turbolift itself is damaged beyond repair.
Hallway #2 leads to a broken door to a parts shed full of empty containers of no value.
The automatic doors can be opened normally with a successful Mechanics check 10. Beyond the doors is another short hallways before a lift loading platform housing two Mynocks. Once the Mynocks are dispatched players will find the lift to be inoperable and the damaged housing revealing the lift shaft descending into a dark cavern. Players will have to use climbing equipment to enter the shaft and climb down to the second level.

Encounter: The players have climbed down the lift shaft and stand on a light durasteel plating in the area highlighted in yellow. The walkway leads to a cavern littered with Mynocks (p. 119 Threats of the Galaxy) which have their positions indicted on the map in red.
Resolution: The players will need to explore the cavern slaying Mynocks along the way until they find the small lift to the third section of the mine.