Challenge Level 4
500 XP
0 credits
Mission Briefing: Larea Doron and the player characters have determined the time to attack the swoop gang hideout with hopes of finding the captured Rebel pilot.

Hazard: PCs will lead the assault on the lightly defended bunker. They begin the encounter in the yellow highlighted area with cover indicated in green and two Horkan thugs (use Brute p.10 Threats of the Galaxy) shown in red.

Encounter: The Horkan thugs will take cover and fire until they are dead. Inside the bunker Horkan thugs must be killed on the way in. Horkan himself (use Swoop Gang Leader p98. Threats of the Galaxy) indicated in white has recovered from his beating and is ready for a showdown with Larea Doron. One random player will control Larea Doron and the GM will fight with Horkan for as long as he lasts.
Resolution: Kill Horkan and his thugs. In the square indicated in purple is the deactivated droid R5-L3k the swoop gang had stolen from Vanor Minse's storage shed. Larea Doron is revealed to be the droid's master as she reactivates it and affectionately calls him “Leaky.” After the mission Leaky can access the terminal in the first room and reveal records that the Rebel pilot has been sold to the Imperials as they are leaving the planet. There may still be a chance to save him if the Imperials have not yet evacuated their forces near Demmit Station.