Vanor Minse: Horkan Swoop Gang Part 1
Challenge Level 4
500 XP
200 credits
Mission Briefing: Vanor Minse owner of the Bladescape junk shop would like someone to determine who broke into and stole equipment from his shed in the middle of the thoroughfare. Although Claims Officer Boscage inspected the damage earlier in the day and promised to return for a full investigation the next morning Vanor is upset he has lost a valuable R5 droid unit stored there for an important client.

A DC 15 Gather Information check at the storage shed reveals the door was breached with a wielding laser not unlike would be found in a speeder garage. When players return to Minse with this information he suspects the local Weequay swoop gang may have stolen the droid he's looking for.
Following this lead players may inquire at the speeder bike garage across the thoroughfare and ask whereabouts of the gang leader Horkan. The unfriendly Weequay in the garage will inform the party after a successful DC 10 Change Attitude check that Horkan is in the cantina.
Encounter: The gang leader and four thugs at a table in the cantina. To the heroes' dismay Horkan is a massive, terrifying Weequay (use Swoop Gang Leader p.98 Threats of the Galaxy) and unless players can beat a DC 26 Intimidation check the party is compelled to sit down, relax, have a drink, and listen to everything Horkan has to offer.
While the PCs sit at the table hey notice the gang leader has a huge welt on his face. They wonder what in the galaxy could have given this brute a black eye.
Resolution: Horkan offers to sell the droid back to the junk dealer if the party agrees to deliver a datapad to the Rebel agent who is located somewhere at the outpost. The player characters are compelled to deliver the datapad with no further questions if they failed the prior intimidation check. The players may return to Vanor Minse and explain the situation then he will insist it is of the upmost importance that the party locate Larea Doron immediately.