Challenge Level 5
1,000 XP
0.0 credits
Mission Briefing: Use the Endor bunker map. Rescue Santo Var from the detention cell in the Imperial bunker. The player characters decide how to plan their approach.
Hazard: Areas with the green outline grant cover.

Encounter: The positions of four Biker Scouts (p.279 Saga Edition Core Rule book) are shown outside the bunker in red. If PCs roll a Search DC 10 on a Scout's utility belt they will find a datapad with the bunker security codes. The codes will allow the blast doors to be quickly opened at the control panel indicated in blue with a DC 10 Use Computer check. Two Stormtroopers (p.279 Saga Edition Core Rule book) inside are shown in light blue. One Imperial Officer (p.280 Saga Edition Core rulebook) stands at a console indicted in white.
Resolution: To free Santo Var (purple highlight) operate the security console DC10 Use Computer to open the cell doors. A successful DC 10 Use Computer check on the terminal on the far wall will deactivate the detention cell force field. Santo Var is unconscious and must be revived with a DC 15 First Aid skill check.