Challenge Level 5
1,000 XP
0.0 credits
Mission Briefing: Escort R5-L3k to the Imperial communications relay control terminal. The party begins in the yellow highlighted area.

Hazard: Players control the droid's movement and other functions so if possible keep him out of the way so he won't be damaged. Use standard R5 series stats (p.138 Threats of the Galaxy).
Encounter: Players must defeat Imperial Officers (p.280 Saga Edition Core rulebook) indicated in red and access both consoles with a DC 10 Use Computer check before the door to the relay control will open automatically. Players may take cover in green highlighted squares at the door. The final Imperial Officer will take cover behind his terminal and fire at PCs with his blaster pistol.
Resolution: The astromech access terminal may be activated with a DC 10 Use Computer check. Allow R5-L3k to download all the information he needs and quickly return to Larea Doron.