Challenge Level 5
1,000 XP
0.0 credits
Mission Briefing: A pirate gang has control of Larea Doron's freighter Starlander. Retake the ship.

Hazard: The first door player encounters in front of their yellow highlighted starting area can be opened with a DC 10 Use Computer check. A Use Computer check DC 15 is required on both security consoles before the doors to the hanger will open. Squares in green provide cover.

Encounter: The pirates (use Mercenary p.55 Threats of the Galaxy) take improved cover and fire on PCs in range. Eliminate any enemies present and proceed up the Starlander's boarding ramp. In the port cargo hold there will be two more pirates behind improved cover.
Resolution: One of the cargo holds is full of goods the pirates seized in the starport riots. Larea sets course for the nearest shadowport where the party can find a buyer and repair the Starlander.