Challenge Level 5
1,000 XP
4000 credits
Mission Briefing: Trandoshan slavers along with a Trandoshan Officer have begun to load a transport with beings captured from a nearby settlement. Several beings have already been executed to break the morale of the others in custody.
Equipment: Players should acquire missile launchers or explosives capable of destroying a large repulsorlift transport.
Hazard: Squares highlighted in green provide cover. The F9-TZ Transport (p.154 Rebellion Era Campaign Guide) location is highlighted light blue. Indicated in blue is a Trandoshan Officer (use p. 66 Threats of the Galaxy) and in red are Trandoshan slavers (use Mercenary Scout p.55 Threats of the Galaxy). Once rounds begin slaves will hit the deck and not be visible on the map at GM's desecration.

Encounter: Players may approach from any direction. The Trandoshan Officer and slavers will fire from their positions once then run for cover in the temple ruins. Players must make sure no slaves are in the transport before attacking it (DC 15 Search).
Resolution: Destroy the slaver transport and eliminate enemy forces. The Trandoshan Officer has 4,000c in his utility belt (DC 10 Search.) With the slaver threat eliminated Rayber Farks can be dropped off at her village with no worries.