I have to figure out what I'm doing for Wreckage. I made one a while back but the muted colors I chose made him look boring overall.
Most of the customs for Wreckage at the time used Black-Out's torso but I don't like my Joes to have the sci-fi look. That's great for Cobra, who dabble in everything from mircowave blasters to genetic engineering. On the left is my second concept for Wreckage using Beachy's chest that needs primer from the look of that shiny finish.
Click the image to see the rest of it. The figure on the right is going to be Dusty and I wanted to see if primer will help keep the paint from scraping off at the joints. The Tamiya primer wanted to stay put so I hope the acrylic will too.
I'm going to try and save the Snake-Eyes 02 waist and Duke 02 legs if Super Clean can strip paint that's been cured for five years.