Sniper Trace
Challenge Level 3
500 XP
2000 credits
Mission Briefing: Rebels are crafty so be aware of traps. Stealth must be maintained at all times. Find and eliminate the Rebel sniper element. The mission begins in the yellow highlighted area at street level beside a tall building.

Hazard: Scouts will need to scale the building with grappling gear and reach the next roof top in the same manner in the purple highlighted squares. DC 10 to operate grapple and DC 10 Climbing check to use rope. The square with the red slash represents a grenade (p.127 Core Rulebook) jury-rigged with a motion-sensitive proximity detonator which may be deactivated with a Handle Explosives check DC 10 and can only be seen with a DC 10 Perception check. Areas highlighted in green provide cover.
Encounter: Stealth movement requires Stealth DC 15. A sniper (Elite Rebel Trooper p. 281 Core Rulebook) indicated by blue and spotter (Rebel Trooper p.280 Core Rulebook) in orange/red can be revealed on the map after a Search DC 10 check.
Resolution: Return to the mobile command base.