Speeder Park Ambush CL 7
Rebel Alliance Faction
3,600 XP
14,000 credits
Mission Briefing: A sympathetic Imperial Intelligence Officer has informed the player's Rebel contact there will be a pair of highly competent Imperial Storm Commandos in transit to an Imperial check point in a major trade sector in a large city. The Commandos carry intelligence information vital to the Rebellion in the region. The party's mission is to intercept the Storm Commandos and bring the intelligence data to their Rebel contact.
The players are given the location of two buildings above the speeder lane where the Storm Commandos are expected to pass at night. Two small speeder parks on either side of an alley will serve as the engagement area. There is a walkway between the two buildings which provides cover. Additional shaded areas in green will provide cover. The Storm Commandos on their speederbikes will be expected to approach from the south.

Equipment: The players are given an unfamiliar sensor probe lightweight and small enough to carry in a backpack. They are told the sensor has been tuned to detect the modified Aratech 74-Z speeder bikes (p.176 Saga Edition Core Rulebook) the Commandos will be riding. The sensor may be activated with a Mechanics or Use Computer check DC 10 and placed the below the walkway between the two buildings with a Climb check DC 10. A datapad controlling the sensor will alert the party when a 74-Z speeder bike passes through their weapons range allowing them to target the two vehicles normally.
Hazard: When the player characters have taken their places and their equipment is ready they wait the equivalent of two minutes before they hear a loud pop like a streetlight exploding from electrical failure and the sensor control goes blank. Within five rounds two level 9 Storm Commandos (p.123 Rebellion Era Campign Guide) appear in the red-shaded squares on either side of the walkway.
Encounter: The player characters roll against a Perception check DC 25 to avoid a surprise round. The Commandos will fire with Double Attack on a single PC or choose to take cover and fire once per round with their full attack bonus.
Resolution: When defeated one of the Commandos will have the intelligence information on a datapad in his utility belt and can be found with a Perception check DC 10. A Gather Information check DC 10 will determine the Storm Commandos were tipped off to the ambush by the noise made when the faulty sensor failed. Their speeder bikes are no where to be found.