Crime fighter? Two-fisted defender of the oppressed? A super-hero cares not of these things.
Mudhole? Slimy? Spidey's home this is.
Spider-Man swings into panel on his web, punching the Vulture in the face, knocking him on the ground. Spidey moves in and removes the villain's mask.
Spider-Man: Joe Biden!?!
Joe Biden: Sp-p-Spider-Man? God love ya!
What with shades of the Clone Saga which linger after twelve years, the Cap-slaying Marvel Civil War, and that whole thing about making a deal with the devil then whoops, Mary Jane don't love you no more.
By the same creators who have written Bush as an adolescent dolt to appear realistic to chump-age comic readers, here Obama is presented as a super-duper hip-to-be-square twenty-something processed of holier-than-thou integrity, that is anything but his Chicago underground blackness which had the Blago-drone ACORN machine rolling in the first place.
Nah fool, it's not the truth of the accusation, it's the seriousness of the charge. Black is back ya'll.

Rope-a-dope race-baiting is the best thing to happen to Spidey in twenty-five years!