Cobra Commander: Curse Obama I paid Blago twice as much for that senate seat!
Sarah: Send this armor back, it's too expensive. The top is huge and I don't need the peanut-shaped lockbox. Why is there a trap door in the back labeled Schlossberg?
Fools! Sarah Palin isn't evil, she prays for forgiveness.
Sarah Palin doesn't need body armor, she evokes our Founding Fathers with Psalm 43 and bullets bounce off her.
Sarah Palin doesn't walk down dark alleys, the buildings politely move out of the way.
If you have five dollars and she has five dollars, Sarah Palin has more faith in you.
There is no 'SysRq' button on Sarah Palin's computer. Jesus is always on patrol.
Sarah Palin didn't lose the election, ACORN cheated and Bush bailed'em out.