Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The Never Ending ComicCon

Lucha libre and horror costumes, I'm not seeing any superhero type outfits. The average superhero costume has the simple Robin mask, some kind of heavy jacket, and a belt. The spandex only works on the 2D comics page and has no place on the street. If they wanted to be realistic the costumes would look armored up like Punisher from War Zone or just wear a uniform shirt. Wear a reenactment uniform that looks like the NRA Minuteman statue with a replica rifle on one shoulder or a WWII 101st Airborne uniform. The superhero genre is all about rewriting history as it is.

All they would need is a reflective jacket, ballcap with American flag, firearm with holster and a visible weapons permit. Bust out some old west and flush out the streets. What do they do in costume, go around waving a finger in the air citing Batman's "one rule?" Oh you naughty punks, don't make me recite the comics code! That's Terrific, but how can they improve on by what's already been done by the Guardian Angels (and not run the risk of looking stupid)?

Ya wannabe real creative you can devise a holster for a standard size Bible and have it mass produced. Better yet lobby your city to budget for block captains to record complaints and night watchmen with flashlights to run off the creeps. Don't complain about people's yards just make yours look better (also learn to make comments that have a hilt). Either way don't don a uniform with the idea of segregating people locked inside their rooms like gangbangers or prison guards. Keep to the spirit of community and keep people talking, communicating with each other using the same language without the pounding hip hop thug garbage.

Incidentally the only way to accomplish outreach is with choir music as it's been done on Sundays for 200 years, but I don't think Razorhawk here wants to hear that. I go out for a walk and a mexican follows me around calling me batman because he thinks he's funny, when I really need the exorcise because I'm badly overweight. Does he act like an idiot because he wants to be scared or better yet shot dead in the driveway? All that does is keep people down and keeps me inside the house all day because I don't want to invest in the cultlike ethnic church of stupid.

You want real change learn to keep your mouth shut before I start walking with a baseball bat if I have to make the choice to take my life into my own hands or die from a premature form of old age. "Oh I'm a smartass mexican with no mother and I'm offended by this fat guy over here." The old adage of walking softly and carrying a big stick may not win elections anymore but I'd like to see anybody else try to challenge the intent McCain had by invoking turn of the century Teddy Roosevelt.

"Duh, name Teddy? dat sounds like a fat ass faggot. I smartass mexican wit no mudder an I bedder dan you fool duh heee haw."

"Obama crapped welfare on me. He's my mudder now fool. My face is brown already so I call myself Shitman duh haw."